Creating wall murals for older children is fun and challenging. How do we incorporate their favorite things as well as ensure their new room decor will be enjoyed throughout their high school years? What is just a fad and what is cool and timeless? See over 26 examples of wall murals I hand-painted in teen rooms…and get ideas!

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How are you planning to decorate bedroom walls for your teen, or tween?
When decorating bedrooms for teens it is really important that their room decor will transition with them as they grow.
It is really nice to create a cozy room that feels good to be in while transitioning into adulthood. Where oh where to start…
- Maybe start by having your tween list all their favorite things. Do they have favorite colors? Is there an inspirational quote, musical instrument, video game or ongoing trendy theme they like? Do they have a favorite sport or sports team? Do they love a location like a tropical beach or Paris?
- Some teens like selecting a favorite color and getting the walls painted first. And it’s amazing how changing wall color makes such a huge difference.
- Some teens like to select bedding and accessories first, then get walls painted to compliment these fabrics. In fact, one of the murals above was painted to match monkey accessories. The teen loved her rug, bedding, shower curtain and couch that all had dots and monkeys on them. Painting a monkey murals and dots on the wall really made the room look fabulous.
- I also painted an emoji bedroom for a teen. Emoji’s are trendy but timeless. We adults even love emoji’s!
Sometimes a simple wall mural or a custom border is all your teens bedroom needs.
Remember, if you’re in the Los Angeles area, you can call me. 818-994-1441
I love brainstorming with Teens and Tweens!
Let’s paint a fun bedroom for your teenager.